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Saturday, July 13, 2013

0 SDB Infrastructure Pvt Ltd. serve me Final notice- to disconnect their maintenance service...part 4

They talked about the notice in their reply(please refer post part-1 -for complete detail- In the companies email):--- dated 24-03-2013 through Mr. Anil Mahajan Advicate, District Courts, Mohali. Frankly -speaking- right now I dont have the copy of it. So will publish you soon..

I have to publish
This is the reply of a document which we sent by 22 peoples: SDL/RF-4/175 dated 31.10.2012 later on some peole backout.
This is reply of my four previuos email: SDL/RF-1/192-A dated 02.11.12

These are the legthy documents. So take little time to publish.

Good Luck-- publish you soon.


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